
Coding For Online Success

Shoemoney’s Google Adsense Check


Over at, Jeremy takes some time to answer some common questions regarding his $132,994.97 AdSense check. He also provided CTR report (authorized by Google) so you can really see what kind of action he got to get that check. How would you like 4000+ clicks a day.. damn.

One question he didn’t answer and I wish was commonly asked, does he still bring in those numbers with AdSense? I see he’s still using AdSense at, but obviously his ringtone offers have to exceed that by much much more.

So, I ask myself, how did he do this? I believe it’s a combination of luck (creating a great site at the perfect time), but needs to be coupled with great marketing to promote the site and get the good traffic. NextPimp is also a ‘community’ site, meaning much (or all) content is generated by the individuals there. Which brings me to my next point, we as developer/marketers should be thinking multi-dimensionally when it comes to creating our applications. I’ve mentioned in the past we should diversify our applications and our revenue streams. Create standard eBay store fronts, CJ store fronts, blogs, but roll the dice on a community generated site as well. These types of sites take much more work initially, but can bring in some good cash with subscribed banner sales, etc. When BANS gets banned… all of your eggs are in one basket. Spread them out into different application types.


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