
Coding For Online Success

November 19, 2008
by admin

Beginner’s guide to internet marketing – Absorb and Observe

If you’re starting out in internet marketing, it can be quite overwhelming. There are a ton of sites, forums, blogs, books, e-books, videos and strategies out there. Which is right for you? What should you focus on? Where to begin? I think the first step is to understand the large pieces first. What makes up internet marketing. What are the large segments? Once you identify the large areas, you can start to put some of the resources out there into these larger categories.

For the sake of this post, I would like to break it down into these three primary sections. Remember, we are looking at the broadest sense of these areas.

– types of monetization
– types of delivery
– types of traffic generation

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November 14, 2008
by admin

PHP | Architect Magazine

I’ve been a PHP developer for quite a few years now. I’ve accumulated a fairly large library of PHP and MySQL related books and have read countless how-tos and development articles on the web. As a PHP developer you really need the ability to identify and overcome daily programming challenges. This is done via web searches, forum posts and referring to books on occasion. Now-a-days I have a very large set of code to pull examples from, which can be very helpful, but it’s important to always push yourself and find a better or more efficient way to perform the same task. If you do any coding at all, you’ll surely know what I’m talking about.

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November 7, 2008
by admin
1 Comment

CJ – Sorry, your application was not approved

This is a very common thread topic at Digital Point. It happens quite often and can be concerning and frustrating, but I do have a tip for everyone. I too get these, and get them often. People at Digital Point will almost automatically ask where you are from. It appears that immediate declines are indicative of filter rules that are in place at CJ. These rules could be the number of earning bars within your account or the location you listed with your account. Manual approvals take longer, and can often lead to declines as well. Since it’s a manual decline, it means that someone physically looked at your request and possibly visited a site or looked closely to your account.

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