
Coding For Online Success

May 31, 2009
by admin

Partnering up!

Well I’m proud to announce that my wife of 14 years is getting in on the action! She’s expressed some interest and she already takes a active role with my primary business, but it’s great that she’s getting into the affiliate marketer’s world. I’m mostly excited to have someone to bounce ideas off of, and a person that has a woman’s perspective, in my opinion will be invaluable.

This arrangement will work great. I’ll focus on programming, and she’s already taken a active approach to SEO and keyword writing. I think we’ll meet somewhere in the middle for PPC stuff. She’s already started working on sites of her own using WordPress, etc. which is begins to double our efforts. Hopefully, we’ll see a rapid increase in revenue.

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May 29, 2009
by admin

SEO Book Training Program!

Aaron Wall originally wrote the SEO Book, which is/was a great eBook on how to become more successful in the Search Engine Marketing world. I am a fan of his product, and do appreciate his suggestions and advice. I’ve used many of the techniques listed in that eBook. Aaron has fallen off of my radar the last year or so, but I recently listened to webmaster radio with Shoemoney, and Aaron was the guest. It was great to hear that he’s working on a new project.. or program. He’s moving away from the eBook system, and going with a online training system.

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May 29, 2009
by admin
1 Comment

CJ now allows you to manage/create product catalogs!

CJ now allows you to manage/create product catalogs data feeds! This is great to be able to generate new product feeds for FTP downloads. I’m not sure if their policy for the one time $200 product feed is still there or not. Here is the announcement from CJ:

“Product Catalog Feeds are now Self Serve, which means you can add, delete or edit your catalog data feeds through the account manager. Please read our FAQ.”

In the next few days/weeks, I’ll put together a little parser script to add/update a database table. I have this in place in a few sites, but I’ll review and update the code and post it when it’s ready.

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May 27, 2009
by admin

Analyzing analytics for additional niches

Today I wanted to talk about Google Analytics. If you any of you are NOT using Google Analytics, please stop now and create a account. It’s free and extremely easy to add to your sites and the information you can get from this is amazing! You can learn more here:

One of the big features I like to go over is the “Traffic Sources Overview” report. Viewing this report will give you Keywords analytics. What did users type to reach my sites. Generally, it shouldn’t be a surprise. If you have a site about widgets, you might expect to see “Widget” as a keyword. But, if you adjust the report to view a larger span of time, you might find some interesting keywords. For example you might find specific or long tail keywords like “xyz widget 123”, or more generalized terms like “automotive widgets”.

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May 22, 2009
by admin

More sites or more quality?

Currently, my affiliate efforts seem to be plateauing and I’ve been looking at how to continue the growth in sales. I’ve been looking at various factors that can “boost” my affiliate network. Thoughts of exploring into new niche territory, optimizing PPC efforts, producing more sites and improving existing sites. I’ve had these thoughts multiple times in the past and I believe to continually think is important and healthy in affiliate marketing.

The most common dilemma I often face is deciding on creating more sites or to improve the existing sites I currently have. I do have a good bucket of affiliate sites now, and to increase the count seems to be burdensome, but I do realize the big players out there.. have tons and tons. I also know that when I work on existing sites, I do usually see an boost in sales related to those changes.

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