
Coding For Online Success

July 6, 2008
by admin

Changes to EPN and YSM – Where is hanji?

I previously apologized for my lack of posts during the TAC (Top Affiliate Challenge) post. So where have I been? Well, I’ve been working my ass off with my web development business. Projects definitely picked up, and I wanted to give EPN a rest. I was sorely disappointed with EPN after the migration from CJ, and wanted the dust to settle before focusing any more efforts to it. Prior to the switch, I was making almost $2,000/month off of eBay on CJ. After the switch my earnings plummeted, which you can read more about in the post titled EPN Status. There was a definite problem, and things have been slowly improving. May and June were my best months since the migration. I made $1,200 each of those months, which is still down, but with the improvement of ACRUs and their announcement of a MakeGood on ACRUs, things could improve even further.

During the migration phase, eBay decided to change Category IDs which also led to more frustration. Some of my sites were un-affected, but a few of them were completely hosed with this change. I took the opportunity to fix all the sites as well as add Privacy Statements to comply with Google AdSense’s new TOS. Talk about a rough Spring dealing with all these unprofitable changes. So during this, I was just putting out fires and not creating any new sites or spent any times to promote or optimize the sites.
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December 16, 2007
by admin

How to use PPC with your eBay Affiliate store fronts

With this blog post, I’m going to talk about my techniques with using PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising to drive traffic to my eBay store fronts. I’ve seen this discussed plenty on various forums, and wanted to describe what I feel is somewhat a formula to get good returns on a monthly basis. Now, my disclaimer. First off, I’m not a PPC guru, and I’m just like everyone reading this post, I’m trying to learn and succeed. Your results may differ.

I also want to explain my general setup when it comes to eBay store fronts. First off, I don’t use BANS but roll my own store fronts. I do this for maximum control and to also not look like a cookie-cutter BANS site. If you want to get clicks (converting clicks) it’s important to separate yourself from the pack. The next piece of the initial puzzle is to create multiple store fronts spanning across multiple niches. Basically, I’m fishing to see what niches have good potential returns. The stores that appear to be promising, I do the 10 degrees of separation trick and expand on that further.
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