
Coding For Online Success

May 29, 2009
by admin

SEO Book Training Program!

Aaron Wall originally wrote the SEO Book, which is/was a great eBook on how to become more successful in the Search Engine Marketing world. I am a fan of his product, and do appreciate his suggestions and advice. I’ve used many of the techniques listed in that eBook. Aaron has fallen off of my radar the last year or so, but I recently listened to webmaster radio with Shoemoney, and Aaron was the guest. It was great to hear that he’s working on a new project.. or program. He’s moving away from the eBook system, and going with a online training system.

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July 6, 2008
by admin

Wealthy Affiliate Experiment

So today I decided to try something different. Lately I’ve been in a affiliate marketing rut. I have a base of EPN store fronts, some community sites that are doing well with paid donations and banners, but I really feel that the next level will be to actively promote products and offers via PPC. I’ve dabbled with this in the past, and without really knowing what I was doing, my performance sucked.

What I would like to try is some kind of mentoring system which could teach me the ropes with offers without losing my shirt initially while I learn. I’ve been looking at for a while now, and I finally pulled the trigger on it. They do go into detail with PPC techniques and how to work various offers and products. I think this will be a good learning experience.

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July 6, 2008
by admin

Looking for a coach/mentor

I’ve been involved with affiliate marketing for almost 2 years now. I would say that I’ve been ‘successful’ in the sense that I’ve been profitable every month since I started, but I’m definitely not where I’d like to be. I’m thinking a coach or mentor might just be what I need to shake me out of my rut and take affiliate marketing to the next level for me. I’m also interested in creating relationships with people to help bounce ideas of off. I originally created to give me the opportunity to talk to fellow marketers and to help others. I’ve created many great relationships out there and I think I’ve helped a few along the way.

I wanted to give a little bit of my skill set help see if I’d be a match for being coached.

– I program in Linux/Apache/PHP/MySQL (LAMP)
– Currently, I run a web design business from home (this is my day job for 4 years), so I know how to be productive in a home environment.
– I manage my own Linux servers for hosting
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