
Coding For Online Success

December 28, 2007
by admin

Setting realistic internet marketing goals.

The dream of quitting your job and counting your millions of dollars seems to be the common dream that people have when starting internet marketing. Making money on line with nothing but a laptop, DSL account and a few hosted domains is pretty sweet, but we need to keep our dreams somewhat contained, so we can focus on gradual constant success. Let me say this again “Gradual Constant Success”.

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December 22, 2007
by admin

2008 Internet Marketing Goals and a look back at 2007

So 2007 is coming to an end. It’s time for reflection and to start planning goals for the coming year. I think reflection is really important. You need to know where you are coming from before looking to where you want to go. I officially started internet marketing in October 2006. That is when I signed up with CJ. I had a few sites running Google AdSense, but I was making about $15/month. Nothing to get excited about. After getting the CJ account, I began seeing the potential. My first month I made $90, followed by $190 for November and $120 for December. At this time, I knew I could make some money.

2007 started with my diversification plan. I had one community site that was doing well with CJ, so I decided to make another on a similar topic but exercising the 10 degrees of separation. Almost immediately, it began to gather content (generated by the public) and was getting traffic. Also at this time I generated a on-line article site dedicated to another area I’m interested in. The goals for both of these sites were simple.
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December 16, 2007
by admin

How to use PPC with your eBay Affiliate store fronts

With this blog post, I’m going to talk about my techniques with using PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising to drive traffic to my eBay store fronts. I’ve seen this discussed plenty on various forums, and wanted to describe what I feel is somewhat a formula to get good returns on a monthly basis. Now, my disclaimer. First off, I’m not a PPC guru, and I’m just like everyone reading this post, I’m trying to learn and succeed. Your results may differ.

I also want to explain my general setup when it comes to eBay store fronts. First off, I don’t use BANS but roll my own store fronts. I do this for maximum control and to also not look like a cookie-cutter BANS site. If you want to get clicks (converting clicks) it’s important to separate yourself from the pack. The next piece of the initial puzzle is to create multiple store fronts spanning across multiple niches. Basically, I’m fishing to see what niches have good potential returns. The stores that appear to be promising, I do the 10 degrees of separation trick and expand on that further.
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December 10, 2007
by admin

Hosting, let’s talk about hosting

So I constantly see discussions about people looking for hosting companies for their eBay store fronts or other affiliate ventures. Hosting is important, and should be thought through. This post is going to be a slight rant, but hopefully some of you will be able to see the big picture from it.

Item #1. There is no ‘perfect’ host! If you’re looking for a host for your applications, you need to look at three things, not the bells and whistles they offer. Here is what you need to look for.

  1. Uptime and support
  2. Compatible software platform
  3. Unlimited domains

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December 5, 2007
by admin

Develop different “types” of sites for greater affiliate returns

I’ve been thinking about this lately. In affiliate marketing, I believe it’s important to not think one dimensionally on how to generate income with your affiliate empire. Notice.. I said empire vs. site. I’m still working on this theory, but I’ve started to identify points of success in my empire or network.

First off, is a 1000 sites better than 1? It all depends how crappy your thousand sites are or how great your single site is. What I believe, it’s important to create multiple test sites to see what has potential. I’m NOT talking about niches people! What I’m talking about is creating different types of sites. Currently, I’ve been developing community sites, store front sites, landing pages, blogs and forums. Each type of site has different income potential. Each type of site work in various niches, etc.

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