
Coding For Online Success

July 12, 2008
by admin

NeverBlue Ads

NeverBlue AdsIn preparation for starting various PPC campaigns relating to offers and products, I thought I would first start by joining various networks. I’m already a member of a few ‘product’ type networks, but when it comes to offers, I’m really not with anyone. Based off of some of the things I saw on the Top Affiliate Challenge, I thought I’d start with NeverBlue Ads.

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July 8, 2008
by admin
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My Affiliate Earnings Summary

I’m hoping a few of you getting into affiliate marketing and not showing earnings right off might be able to get some inspiration from this post. I’m no where near where I want to be, but I like seeing progress.

I officially started with affiliate marketing in September 2006. I was doing Google Adsense prior to that, but I signed up with CJ on 9/2006. Looking back at my affiliate tracker, I made a grand total of $278.61 with CJ/eBay. Counting AdSense for the entire year, plus donations and CJ, the total came to $574.91. Pretty crappy for the first year.

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July 8, 2008
by admin

Top Affiliate Challenge and Wealthy Affiliate – my thoughts

Top Affiliate Challenge (TAC)

Well, I already touched upon my feelings about the production of TAC. The worst had to have been episode #5. Worst editing ever! But, I have to say there was a glimmer of hope in #5. They went into some interesting tips. A nice grey-hat nugget by John Chow. That was a good sign. Now, I watched Episode #6 yesterday, and was happy to see that they improved the video slightly. They changed the size of that annoying logo so it doesn’t cover people’s faces any longer. Glad it took them 5 episodes to figure that one out. This episode clearly lacked ‘drama’ in the sense of the competition, so they at least padded it with some good tips. I thought the tips they provided were of good quality, which got me to scratch my head a bit. I started looking at AWeber and Van Clute’s talk about PPC was good too. It was pretty fundamental concept of split testing ads, but he conveyed it well. I have to say, after #6.. I do have some hope for the show. I’m curious how they’re going to re-integrate Shoemoney.
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July 6, 2008
by admin

Wealthy Affiliate Experiment

So today I decided to try something different. Lately I’ve been in a affiliate marketing rut. I have a base of EPN store fronts, some community sites that are doing well with paid donations and banners, but I really feel that the next level will be to actively promote products and offers via PPC. I’ve dabbled with this in the past, and without really knowing what I was doing, my performance sucked.

What I would like to try is some kind of mentoring system which could teach me the ropes with offers without losing my shirt initially while I learn. I’ve been looking at for a while now, and I finally pulled the trigger on it. They do go into detail with PPC techniques and how to work various offers and products. I think this will be a good learning experience.

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July 6, 2008
by admin

Changes to EPN and YSM – Where is hanji?

I previously apologized for my lack of posts during the TAC (Top Affiliate Challenge) post. So where have I been? Well, I’ve been working my ass off with my web development business. Projects definitely picked up, and I wanted to give EPN a rest. I was sorely disappointed with EPN after the migration from CJ, and wanted the dust to settle before focusing any more efforts to it. Prior to the switch, I was making almost $2,000/month off of eBay on CJ. After the switch my earnings plummeted, which you can read more about in the post titled EPN Status. There was a definite problem, and things have been slowly improving. May and June were my best months since the migration. I made $1,200 each of those months, which is still down, but with the improvement of ACRUs and their announcement of a MakeGood on ACRUs, things could improve even further.

During the migration phase, eBay decided to change Category IDs which also led to more frustration. Some of my sites were un-affected, but a few of them were completely hosed with this change. I took the opportunity to fix all the sites as well as add Privacy Statements to comply with Google AdSense’s new TOS. Talk about a rough Spring dealing with all these unprofitable changes. So during this, I was just putting out fires and not creating any new sites or spent any times to promote or optimize the sites.
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