
Coding For Online Success

June 1, 2009
by admin

Wealthy Affiliate $1 trial!

I’ve been a huge fan of Wealthy Affiliate for some time now. I think it’s a fantastic program, but more importantly the community is unbeatable. You get great quality help from other members. Since it’s a paid membership, you get people that are serious about making money in affiliate marketing. Good questions are asked, with good answers in the forum, etc.

Well, it looks like they’re offering a fantastic offer right now. And tis offer expires on June 7th.. so you need to act NOW. They’re offering $1 trial offer! This is a great chance to see if Wealthy Affiliate (#1 rated internet marketing training community online) is right for you!

You can check out the offer here. Continue reading

July 6, 2008
by admin

Wealthy Affiliate Experiment

So today I decided to try something different. Lately I’ve been in a affiliate marketing rut. I have a base of EPN store fronts, some community sites that are doing well with paid donations and banners, but I really feel that the next level will be to actively promote products and offers via PPC. I’ve dabbled with this in the past, and without really knowing what I was doing, my performance sucked.

What I would like to try is some kind of mentoring system which could teach me the ropes with offers without losing my shirt initially while I learn. I’ve been looking at for a while now, and I finally pulled the trigger on it. They do go into detail with PPC techniques and how to work various offers and products. I think this will be a good learning experience.

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