
Coding For Online Success

October 5, 2008
by admin

Getting Inspired

Looking at my earning reports, I’m well on my way to the $20K mark for 2008 (gross not net) sales. I felt this was actually pretty good with the set backs this year. I think if eBay didn’t move away from CJ, Google AdSense terms/privacy change didn’t happen and finally the YSM change didn’t mess with my expense bottom line, I would have done much better. I know those factors slowed my development. In fact, today, I launched my first EPN site since the cutover. Even with the run of bannings, and my confidence at a all time low with this affiliate program, I still punched a site out. Earlier this year, I would stress that building was the key. Build and learn, but always stay proactive. I know after the summer, I took a more passive role and maintained my earnings, while not building to earn more. That was a mistake, but I think it was necessary to ensure that these changes didn’t drastically impact my portfolio first.

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July 8, 2008
by admin
1 Comment

My Affiliate Earnings Summary

I’m hoping a few of you getting into affiliate marketing and not showing earnings right off might be able to get some inspiration from this post. I’m no where near where I want to be, but I like seeing progress.

I officially started with affiliate marketing in September 2006. I was doing Google Adsense prior to that, but I signed up with CJ on 9/2006. Looking back at my affiliate tracker, I made a grand total of $278.61 with CJ/eBay. Counting AdSense for the entire year, plus donations and CJ, the total came to $574.91. Pretty crappy for the first year.

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February 10, 2008
by admin

January better than December.. How can this be?

December was my largest month to date with a total $1400+ in CJ. I pushed hard in October and November to catch some of the X-mas action, and I did get a slice of it. I was quite pleased with the results. One thing that I noticed immediately after Christmas was that sales continued? I figured it was still related to holiday buzz, so I didn’t take much stock into it. But by mid January, may sales were still continuing at record pace?? Sure enough my commissions actually exceeded December! They haven’t locked yet, but I’m looking $1585 for the month in CJ.

Here is a break down of commissions, sales and leads. I wanted to show you this, since there is some useful information to present.

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January 12, 2008
by admin

December numbers locked at CJ

All I have to say is that now I’m a full believer that money can be made with CJ. I’ve been making a few bucks consistently over the months for 2007, but December was my big push for the Christmas buying frenzy. The numbers finally locked yesterday for December, and my total was $1466.90, including eBay performance incentive! Counting AdSense, banner sales for the month, donations, etc. I ended up with a grand total of $1700. For the year, my net was $8500. My original goal was $10,000 for 2007, but I feel good about where I ended for the year. I definitely 2008 will be a very productive year. I wanted to post these numbers to help inspire the new recruits out there trying to make a buck or two. This time last year, I was making about $100 per month

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