
Coding For Online Success

November 29, 2007
by admin

Zlio shops — first glance, very nice!


Well, well, well. I saw someone mention Zlio on a Shoemoney comment in the BANS thread. I’ve never heard of this, and thought I’d take a look. First glance, I’m very impressed. It’s a shop that you can create, and add products. The store front is extremely built well. This is not a store you would run on your server or hosting account, but would run on their servers. It’s completely 100% free to use.

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November 26, 2007
by admin

eBay Affiliate Tracking Issues?

So, while monitoring the forums, there has been a wave of reports of massive dropped sales/commissions for some eBay affiliates. I remember experiencing this a earlier this year, which spanned for a few months. eBay was able to ‘make good’, which is nice, but it’s an uneasy feeling, especially if you’re buying traffic with PPC. As for me, my sales are down in comparison to money spent on PPC, so I would say that I’m experiencing a dip.

There are a few good threads discussing this.
eBay Forum :: “Anyone else experienced considerable drop in sales recently?”
Digital Point Forum :: “Commissions Plummeted

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November 20, 2007
by admin

Dynamically create eBay widgets from existing rover code

Today, I read about the eBay widget. At first I was super stoked on the concept, and they look great. Here is a working example of the widget:

No Flash? What’s wrong with you?

Now my issue is this, it seems like you might be missing out on cookies since visitors might be viewing all the auction info directly from the widget vs going to eBay, and you would missing out on the cookie and affliate tracking. My initial tests with FireFox and Live HTTP headers seem to stress that cookie generation only occurs when you click ‘View & Bid’ in the widget. The jury is still out on this, and hopefully people will share some of their success and failures to help others make good decisions when it comes to the widget. I’m going to try to post any useful results as they occur.

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November 18, 2007
by admin

WidgetBucks Referrals are nice

So logged into my WidgetBucks control panel today (it’s been a while), and I was super pleased to see that I’m starting to get referral revenue now! Currently they’re offering a 10 percent referral fee based on commissions eared by the people that they refer. This goes on for 12 months.

I’m still seeing some good payouts with WidgetBucks, but definitely seems to have dropped a bit. Almost everything has dipped a bit since Halloween. I’m sure things will start picking up after Thanksgiving as we move into the crazy shopping period for Christmas.

Give WidgetBucks a try!

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November 14, 2007
by admin

My Halloween Failure

So we’re about half way through November, and I’m slightly disappointed about the initial numbers. I think we’ll finish strong at the end of the month, but the beginning, and a big part of it is the Halloween hangover syndrome. This is where buyers need to take a break after the busy Halloween push.

But what I wanted to talk about was my personal experience with Halloween marketing. I’ve been getting further and further in the PPC arena, and thought Halloween would be a fun one to do some testing. Over the last couple of months, my PPC capaigns have been showing good profits, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to spend and learn.

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