
Coding For Online Success

March 6, 2008
by admin

Spring is here

I’ve gotten a few IMs and emails asking about what has been going on. Sorry about not posting. I have been extremely busy, with both work and affiliate marketing. I hate that feeling when “work” gets in the way of my affiliate marketing plans. I have been on track for launching four sites per month. My quota has been met, and earnings are reflecting this effort. March is looking to be a record breaking month for me!

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November 18, 2007
by admin

WidgetBucks Referrals are nice

So logged into my WidgetBucks control panel today (it’s been a while), and I was super pleased to see that I’m starting to get referral revenue now! Currently they’re offering a 10 percent referral fee based on commissions eared by the people that they refer. This goes on for 12 months.

I’m still seeing some good payouts with WidgetBucks, but definitely seems to have dropped a bit. Almost everything has dipped a bit since Halloween. I’m sure things will start picking up after Thanksgiving as we move into the crazy shopping period for Christmas.

Give WidgetBucks a try!

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October 25, 2007
by admin

WidgetBucks and Google

Okay.. unless you live in a hole in the blogosphere, you’ve probably read a few hot topics related with the two. First off, looks like WidgetBucks got Google slapped, and are currently blacklisted from the index. There are various theories from their Flash banner to their non-Flash content to their TOC. Either way, it’s sent up some red flags that are rippling around the internet.

Does this mean that our publishing web sites are potentially exposed to issues? Should I continue to use WidgetBucks, etc? I just received an email about new code for WidgetBucks that were used to help page load of the ‘ad’, but I wasn’t really able to see an improvement, but makes me wonder if it’s because of the bad press, that they’re trying to get pro-active.

Personally, I want to ride this out for a bit, and give this experiment a fair shake. The bottom line is that they seem to be performing better on my poor-Adsense sites. For sites where AdSense peforms well… I will NOT put WidgetBucks up.
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October 18, 2007
by admin

WidgetBucks (my thoughts)

Interesting that today I was going to say I’m very pleased with my WidgetBuck tests, but over at Shoemoney, Jeremy gives it a thumbs down. There seems to be some bias to his report (possibly related to his past dealings with AuctionAds and WidgetBucks). You can read about it here.

Here is what I know. I’m a blogger and I use WidgetBucks. I added it to two sites that were poor performers with AdSense. Over the years, I’ve worked with blending, not-blending, white backgrounds, color backgrounds and various ad format, but my CTR was extremely poor with AdSense. I thought this would be a good test for WidgetBucks. Immediately, I was receving some good clicks that showed promise. I’m still not making a ton off of these sites, but already, I’ve exceeded my poor AdSense numbers.
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October 4, 2007
by admin


So cruising over to John Chow’s blog, he mentioned WidgetBucks. I’m always looking for other ways to monetize my various sites in a way that’s somewhat unique to stand out of the crowd since banner blindness is an issue. I checked out WidgetCode, and was impressed with their banner technique using Flash.
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