
Coding For Online Success

May 13, 2009
by admin

EPN ACRU tracking/reporting issue

Looks like there was a small glitch for May 6th in regards to ACRU/CRU tracking. Here is what they had to say about it..

There was an issue that started at 5pm on Wednesday May 6th with the system that assigns CRUs and ACRUs to individual accounts. Engineers have now resolved the issue, but you may see some very low numbers or even zero for your CRUs and ACRUs in your reports for the dates of May 6th and 7th. The underlying new user events are all tracking correctly, so we have the data we need to credit the right accounts, and calculate the appropriate account level quality scores for the US program. All affected publishers will be compensated through a bonus in their next payment, although the missing transactions will not appear in the reports.

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May 10, 2008
by admin

ePN status

Hello All. First of all, I’d like to apologize for the lack of posts here at Frankly, I’ve been quite busy with web development clients, and that really puts things on the back burner as far as affiliate marketing. Not to mention, that I’m quite frustrated with the current state of eBay’s ePN and the drastic change of commissions since migrating. I wanted to give you a summary of where I am, and point out some interesting results.

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April 5, 2008
by admin

EPN Migration – the saga continues

I initially migrated two sites over to EPN on the 1st, and I’ve been waiting to see earnings before making any other moves. I also wanted to make sure that clicks and impressions were working as expected. Early on, I thought my clicks were down considerably, but after a few days, I think they’re fairly accurate. This afternoon, I was pleasantly surprised to see commissions in my earnings column!

One thing to understand when migrating, is that the new EPN cookie is different than the CJ cookie. So you’re basically starting over with tracking. So expect to see commissions 3-7 days after migrating the site. Also, you still might see commissions and ACRUs in CJ after the migration, since these are different cookies. People are freaking out, and if you just settle down and think about this.. it makes sense.

Items to note:
EditorKit variables are different and need to be changes. I mentioned this here :: EPN EditorKit Transition

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November 26, 2007
by admin

eBay Affiliate Tracking Issues?

So, while monitoring the forums, there has been a wave of reports of massive dropped sales/commissions for some eBay affiliates. I remember experiencing this a earlier this year, which spanned for a few months. eBay was able to ‘make good’, which is nice, but it’s an uneasy feeling, especially if you’re buying traffic with PPC. As for me, my sales are down in comparison to money spent on PPC, so I would say that I’m experiencing a dip.

There are a few good threads discussing this.
eBay Forum :: “Anyone else experienced considerable drop in sales recently?”
Digital Point Forum :: “Commissions Plummeted

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