
Coding For Online Success

November 2, 2007
by admin

Google Adsense – How to randomize theme

A few conversations about changing and ad placement to help prevent banner blindness has led to me to create this simple script to automatically randomize a Google AdSense block. This is a extremely easy script that uses a array of values, randomizes the index and puts the values into the AdSense block. This could be modified to include random ad formats as well as optionally including Video units, etc.

I’ve rolled this out on one of my sites to see what ad format color scheme might be the best. I’m tracking results by providing a channel to see what gets good clicks and what themes do not.
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October 25, 2007
by admin

WidgetBucks and Google

Okay.. unless you live in a hole in the blogosphere, you’ve probably read a few hot topics related with the two. First off, looks like WidgetBucks got Google slapped, and are currently blacklisted from the index. There are various theories from their Flash banner to their non-Flash content to their TOC. Either way, it’s sent up some red flags that are rippling around the internet.

Does this mean that our publishing web sites are potentially exposed to issues? Should I continue to use WidgetBucks, etc? I just received an email about new code for WidgetBucks that were used to help page load of the ‘ad’, but I wasn’t really able to see an improvement, but makes me wonder if it’s because of the bad press, that they’re trying to get pro-active.

Personally, I want to ride this out for a bit, and give this experiment a fair shake. The bottom line is that they seem to be performing better on my poor-Adsense sites. For sites where AdSense peforms well… I will NOT put WidgetBucks up.
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October 11, 2007
by admin

Monetizing your site with Google Video Units (AdSense)

Here is a great new way to monetize your site with video units from YouTube, and is available via Google AdSense Set Up! Set up was incredibily easy, just log into your AdSense account and click AdSense Setup. From there, you’ll see a new item called ‘Video Units’. From there you’ll need to agree to the terms and ‘merge’ your AdSense and YouTube accounts. You must first have a YouTube account and allow the ‘merge’ via email confirmations. After you’ve completed that step, you’ll be able to adjust themes, format and content of types of videos to play. I’ll be testing this out over the next few months. They’re only offering 3 types of player layouts (400×415, 500×510 and 780×560).. hopefully more will be available.

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