
Coding For Online Success

The 4 Hour Workweek


4hourworkweekToday, I wanted to talk about “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferriss. I’ve heard this book tossed around over the last year, but never paid too much mind to it. A few days ago, Shoemoney mentioned listening to this book and he was able to take a few things away from this book, so I thought I would take a more serious look at it. Another book that Jeremy mentioned in the past that I was very pleased to read was “The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to QUit (and When to Stick)” by Seth Godin. Since that was a real eye opener, I thought this would be the same.. and I was right.

The 4-Hour Workweek is a great read or listen. There is some fluff and hype, but the core concepts are very ground breaking yet simple. In a very small nut shell, this books discusses the idea of freeing your time by removing the distractions in your day to day work life. How to prioritize tasks, and how to deal with fears that you’re purposely avoiding.

This book hit so many nails on the head it was unbelievable. There were a few concepts that I really took to heart. I’ll be paraphrasing, but the concept of creating tasks solely to avoid tasks that you don’t want to do, or are afraid to do. Another concept is the idea of picking up tasks to “stay busy” versus being productive. I’m definitely guilty of all of these things. It also teaches you to “unplug and reset” your brain. Since many distractions are related to our need for information and communication, it stresses the idea of going “off line” so to speak. Reading email on a extreme limited basis, avoiding meetings, etc to free up your time to do the “hard” things in a timely manner.

This book isn’t about being lazy and working only 4 hours a week and being wealthy, it’s about prioritizing time and maximizing your time to be extremely productive, which in turn will FREE up time for fun stuff.

As a affiliate or internet marketer I thought this book was very informative and informational. I’m starting to realize how some of the solutions listed in the book can greatly improve my situation. Some are scary or difficult, but I will definitely give them a shot. I was pleasantly surprised by how inspirational this book is. Seeing things in different view point (talking about the ‘new rich’ vs. the old rich), is a perfect example. If you’re look for some motivation, I would recommend this book. “The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich” by Timothy Ferriss.

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