
Coding For Online Success

October 23, 2007
by admin
1 Comment

CJ Quick Stat Email Script

At the digital point forums today, someone asked if it there was a email report that could be sent from CJ. I’ve looked for this in the past, but have not had any luck finding this feature, and thought it might be cool to throw something together that sort of does this.

My idea was simple, to create a PHP application that would use cURL to login and return me the quick stats results. After retrieving the stats, it would email me the results. I used one library called LIB_parse.php which makes it extremely handy to parse through HTML code to drill down to the specific section you’re looking for. To get this to email, you’ll need to run this is crontab. Possible as a PHP-CLI (command line script) or use lynx/wget to hit a web page to execute the code.
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